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3 points

Google should be held accountable for fraudulent acts like this on their site. There should be more strict regulations on Google for advertising. for example twitter. twitter just doesn't verify anyone, it takes time and processes which involves the individual to present identification that allows twitter to make sure that when they are verifying an account, the person stated is the real deal. similarly Google, the large Internet search engine that it is, should have similar procedures in place that make sure that the ad's they display are representative of the company it states is advertising. False advertising is not only hurtful to the company that is being counterfeited but also to Google itself. if Google is shrugging off such issues and not paying specific attention to it then the tendency of it happening could be increased causing consumers and businesses to be aware and not so trusting of Google when they see ads. this can also hurt Google by making consumers who were caught by fraud artist to spread negative news about Google causing consumers in general to stop using their Internet search engine services. Google also should comply with the company and release the data surrounding the company that posted those fake ad's. I believe it is in the best interest of consumers and businesses to know that Google would take such a step to show those who do commit such acts that they are not safe and that if they are caught doing such acts they will be found and charged.

1 point

Companies should use twitter to engage with customers. This allows them to get feedback from customers and gives them a sense of where their target market stands and how they can conform their on line presences to better cater to complaints of customers. However i believe that they should also use their mind. if a company is associated with such a bad rep as McDonald's then they shouldn't engage in social media operations as it only sparks more negative comments and can harm any other on line initiatives they try to engage in.

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