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Lianleo's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Lianleo's arguments, looking across every debate.
4 points

Advertisers select words that trigger their ads to receive the maximum amount they will pay per click. This in turn is used effectively by utilizing AdWords because it is the process of choosing key words that work for the company. Google has in fact; used protection systems that allow them to segment illegal companies from interaction in their system. Furthermore, they have spent much time and effort into compensating for these events thus I don’t believe they should be held responsible for this circumstance. I personally think Montblanc is just finding other alternatives for obtaining customer information from a powerhouse like Google. Rather than taking it to court, they should try and find other solutions for recovering this sort of data because quite frankly, Google does not need to go around giving other companies customer data.

1 point

I think the adding the Google plus search option is not considered violating privacy just because it allows consumers and business to search for related items with a sense of efficiency. People have the option of not using their google plus account when searching which should eliminate and privacy concerns.

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